The Gender Studies Platform of ICUB aims to bring together researchers that focus on gender aspects or who take into account the diversity of people in terms of gender and intersectionality, from all types of sciences. It aims at promoting gendered interdisciplinary research, creating an academic space of communication of research results and interests that may be fruitful for future collaborations. At the same time, it aims at developing discussions that support and encourage researchers to create teams and apply to getting interdisciplinary research funded.
Starting with 2022, as a first stage in the development of the Platform and in view of identifying interested researchers and existing research done by UB academics on the topic, the Platform has been supporting meetings in which researchers have been invited to present their research and to discuss their interests with the participants. On this page, you will find a list of researchers from our university that are interested in Gender Studies and presented their work within the meetings organized until now. This list will be continuously updated.
The work conducted by The Gender Studies Platform is supported by ICUB and the team implementing the Gender Equality Plan. This platform was developed with the support of the ATHENA Project, aimed at developing a sustainable Gender Equality Plan within the University of Bucharest. If you would like to receive support for organizing a meeting in which you would like to present ideas or research results connected to gender studies, please send an e-mail to
Please follow the Facebook and Instagram pages of the Gender Equality Plan for notifications regarding new events.
List of researchers who presented their work within the Gender Studies Platform
Berfin Varışlı, Maltepe University, Turkey
Title of presentation: Ageism and gender. 24.04.2024
Berfin Varışlı - Google Academic
Cristina Dragomir, Constanța Maritime University
Title of the presentation: Making the choice between aim of research or societal impact. Case study: gender studies in maritime transport. 25.01.2024.
Cristina Dragomir - Google Academic
Gabriel Jderu, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest
Title of the presentation: Tehnologie și gen: cum gestionează motociclistele întreținerea și reparația motocicletei. 23.11.2023.
Jderu Gabriel - Google Academic
Diana Andreea Moga, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest
Title of the presentation: E-o lume minunată în care veți găsi... fetițe cuminți și băieți năzdrăvani. Analiza rolurilor de gen din cântecele românești pentru copii. 25.05.2023.
Diana-Andreea Moga - Google Academic
Ionela Băluță, Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest
Title of the presentation: (Un)Doing gender studies. Attacks on gender studies: academic and political stakes.10.03.2023.
Ionela Băluță - Google Scholar
Barbara J. Risman, LAS Distinguished Professor of Sociology, University of Illinois Chicago
Title of the presentation: On the status of gender studies nowadays. 10.03.2023.
Risman, Barbara J. - Author details - Scopus Preview
Barbara J. Risman (
Liviu P. Dinu, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bucharest
Title of the presentation: Gender in human language technology research. 10.03.2023.
Liviu P. Dinu - Google Scholar
Dinu, Liviu Petrişor - Author details - Scopus Preview
Laura Grünberg, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest, Romania;
Title of the presentation: What is feminism. Perceptions among primary and secondary school students in Romania. 10.03.2023.
Laura Roxana Grunberg - Google Academic
Grünberg, Laura Roxana - Author details - Scopus Preview
Diana Elena Neaga, Nicolae Titulescu University, Romania
Title of the presentation: What is feminism. Perceptions among primary and secondary school students in Romania. 10.03.2023.
Neaga Elena Diana - Google Scholar
Neaga, Diana Elena - Author details - Scopus Preview
Roxana Urea, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest
Title of the presentation: T-SHIRT Tools on Supporting the figHt for Issues of gendeR Traditionality and Disparities. 10.03.2023.
Ionela Roxana Urea - Google Scholar
Urea, Roxana - Author details - Scopus Preview
Ștefania Matei, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest
Title of the presentation: Urban gender displays and contrast structures. 10.03.2023.
Stefania Matei - Google Scholar
Matei, Ştefania - Author details - Scopus Preview
Cosima Rughiniș, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest
Title of the presentation: Urban gender displays and contrast structures. 10.03.2023.
Cosima Rughinis - Google Scholar
Scopus preview - Rughiniș, Cosima - Author details - Scopus
Claudiu Tufiș, Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest
Title of the presentation: Barometrul violenței de gen 2022. 10.03.2023.
Claudiu D. Tufis - Google Scholar
Tufis, Claudiu D. - Author details - Scopus Preview
Adrian-Nicolae Dan, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest
Title of the presentation: Violence against women in Roma families. 10.03.2023.
Adrian-Nicolae Dan - Google Scholar
Jeff Hearn, Hanken School of Economics, Finland; Örebro University, Sweden; University of Huddersfield, UK
Title of the presentation (Online): Men and Masculinities – A Necessary but Tricky Topic for Gender Equality. 10.03.2023.
Jeff Hearn - Google Scholar
Hearn, Jeff - Author details - Scopus Preview
Radu-Mihai Dumitrescu (Medicover Romania, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, UB)
Title of the presentation: Grupul profesional al medicilor ȋn România: mai multe femei, mai vârstnice şi, posibil, mai stresate. 10.03.2023.
Radu Mihai Dumitrescu - Google Academic
Dumitrescu, Radu Mihai - Author details - Scopus Preview
Nicolae-Adrian Dan (Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest)
Title of the presentation: Grupul profesional al medicilor ȋn România: mai multe femei, mai vârstnice şi, posibil, mai stresate. 10.03.2023.
Adrian-Nicolae Dan - Google Scholar
Ana-Luana Stoicea-Deram, Institut de Recherche et de Formation à l'Action sociale de l'Essonne (IRFASE), France
Title of the presentation: (Online): The need for a feminist analysis of surrogate motherhood in connection with the social status functioning. 10.03.2023.
Mihaela Frunză, Department of Philosophy, Babes-Bolyai University
Title of the presentation: "Clueless". Proposal for collaboration to an edited volume. 10.03.2023
Mihaela Frunza - Google Scholar
Scopus preview - Frunzã, Mihaela - Author details - Scopus
Theodora-Eliza Văcărescu, Independent researcher, Gusti Cooperative
Title of the presentation:Women in Social Research in Central and Eastern Europe.
Edited Book Project. 10.03.2023.
Vǎcǎrescu, Theodora Eliza - Author details - Scopus Preview
Dragoș Obreja, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest
Title of the presentation: Online Gender-Swapping and the Fight Against Hegemonic Masculinity. 10.03.2023.
(2) Dragos Obreja (
Scopus preview - Obreja, Dragoş M. - Author details - Scopus
Cristina Dragomir, Constanta Maritime University, Romania
Title of the presentation (Online): The importance of Sustainable Development Goal 5 -
Gender Equality in Transport. 10.03.2023.
Cristina Dragomir - Google Academic
Dragomir, Cristina - Author details - Scopus Preview
Angelica Marinescu, Faculty of Journalism and Communication Studies, University of Bucharest; Associate Researcher, Institute of Sociology, Romanian Academy
Title of the presentation: Francophony, media and gender studies. 10.03.2023.
Fotarisman Zaluchu, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonezia
Title of the presentation: Stunting and Gender In-equality, Indonesia Case Study (online).10.03.2023.
Zaluchu, Fotarisman - Author details - Scopus Preview
Ananya Acherjee, Department of Education, Faculty of Education, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh, India
Title of the presentation:Unheard Voices of Tribal Women: An Ethnographic Exploration from the Country side of India (online). 10.03.2023.
Eswarappa Kasi, Department of Tribal Studies, Art, Culture & Folk Literature, Faculty of Tribal Studies, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh, India
Title of the presentation:Unheard Voices of Tribal Women: An Ethnographic Exploration from the Country side of India (online). 10.03.2023.
Kasi, Eswarappa - Author details - Scopus Preview
Riddell Alice, Anthropology, University College London (UCL)
Title of the presentation: Digital and material culture of gendered safety practices in urban spaces (online). 10.03.2023.
Anca Mihai, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest
Title of the presentation: Reflections of the women who experienced (at least once) the flooding of their home in rural areas. 10.03.2023.
Anca Mihai - Google Academic
Mihai, Anca - Author details - Scopus Preview
Ana-Maria (Coltuc) Ologeanu, Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest
Title of the presentation: Gender equality and educational policies in Romania: Case study – National Strategy for Parental Education 2018 – 2025. 10.03.2023.
Veronica Oancea, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest
Title of the presentation: Older women's experiences of social media use: A case study of a Romanian digital community. 10.03.2023.
Cosima Rughiniș, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest
Title of the presentation: Older women's experiences of social media use: A case study of a Romanian digital community. 10.03.2023.
Cosima Rughinis - Google Scholar
Rughiniș, Cosima - Author details - Scopus Preview
Cristina Gudin, Faculty of History, University of Bucharest
Title of the presentation: Elena Caragiani-Stoenescu, the first aviator woman in Romania. 10.03.2023.
Cristina Gudin - Google Academic
Diana Buhuș, Școala Doctorală „Spațiu, Imagine, Text, Teritoriu”, University of Bucharest
Title of the presentation: Expresii Queer în cultura asiatică. Exploring Bromance & BL. 10.03.2023.
Olivia Schneider, Social Anthropology, University of Oslo
Title of the presentation: Hidden in Plain Sight: A gendered perspective on sex workers’ access to health care in Malta (online). 10.03.2023.
Diana Buhuș, Școala Doctorală „Spațiu, Imagine, Text, Teritoriu”, University of Bucharest
Title of the presentation: Reprezentările gender în cultura Hallyu a Coreei de Sud. 10.03.2023.
Monica Manolachi, Department of Modern Languages, University of Bucharest
Title of the presentation: Representations of Food in Contemporary Prose by Romanian Women Writers. 10.03.2023.
Monica Manolachi - Google Academic
Manolachi, Monica - Author details - Scopus Preview
Ana-Maria Rențea, Doctoral School of Sociology, University of Bucharest
Title of the presentation: Election or Subjection? The Gender Issue in Cosmetic Surgery: A Female Plastic Surgeons’ View. 10.03.2023.
Ana-Maria Rențea - Google Academic
Simona-Nicoleta Vulpe, Interdisciplinary School of Doctoral Studies, University of Bucharest
Title of the presentation: Doctors, monks, and Marie Curie. Gender representations in religious articles on scientific controversies. 10.03.2023.
Simona Nicoleta Vulpe - Google Academic
Vulpe, Simona Nicoleta - Author details - Scopus Preview
Nancy (Athanasia) Katraki, University of Thessaly, Greece
Title of the presentation: Self-narration in Art: Gendered Violence &Trauma. 10.03.2023.
Alonistioti Nancy (Athanasia) - Google Scholar
Corina Ilinca, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest
Title of the presentation: Inclusion of an intersectional disadvantage factor in quantitative research. 10.03.2023.
Corina Ilinca - Google Scholar
Ilinca, Corina - Author details - Scopus Preview
Emanuela Ignatoiu-Sora, Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest
Title of the presentation: Intersectionality: the Pros and Cons of a Conceptual Transplant. 10.03.2023.
Emanuela Ignatoiu-Sora - Google Scholar
Ștefania Chihaia. Interdisciplinar School of Doctoral Studies
Title of the presentation: „Lucrând cu noile materialisme feministe împotriva dualismelor care ne despart”. 24.11.2022.
Link to Google Scholar profile.
Silvana Crivoi. National Institute for Scientific Research on Work and Social Protection and Faculty of Sociology and Social Work.
Title of the presentation: „Timpul lucrat pe piața muncii în pandemie și implicațiile asupra muncii neremunerate – Importanța apartenenței la gen: Un scoping review”. 24.11.2022.
Link to Google Scholar profile.
Laura Grünberg. Faculty of Sociology and Social Work
Title of the presentation: „Raportul de Cercetare al Planului de Egalitate de gen al Universității din București”. 27.10.2022.
Link to Google Scholar profile.
Corina Ilinca. Faculty of Sociology and Social Work
Title of the presentation: „Raportul de Cercetare al Planului de Egalitate de gen al Universității din București”. 27.10.2022.
Link to Google Scholar profile.
Monica Manolachi. Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures
Title of the presentation: „Pledoarie pentru o istorie a literaturii române scrise de femei”. 27.10.2022.
Link to Google Scholar profile.
Ștefania Matei. Faculty of Sociology and Social Work
Title of the presentation: „Massive gender displays”
Link to Google Scholar profile.
Anca Mihai. Faculty of Sociology and Social Work
Title of the presentation: „Aspecte privind genul în timp de dezastru: provocări și oportunități”. 27.10.2022.
Link to Google Scholar profile.
Gabriel Oancea. Faculty of Sociology and Social Work
Title of the presentation: „Deținuții transgender in context românesc”. 24.11.2022.
Link to Google Scholar profile.
Cosima Rughiniș. Faculty of Sociology and Social Work
Title of the presentation: „Massive gender displays”. 26.01.2023.
Link to Google Scholar profile.
Paula Tufiș. Faculty of Sociology and Social Work
Title of the presentation: „Changing beliefs about gender”. 26.01.2023.
Link to Google Scholar profile.
Athena Project Implementation Team is taking care of organizing the meetings of the Gender Studies Platform: Gender Equality Plan – University of Bucharest (
Website of the Gender Equality Plan:
Facebook and Instagram pages of the Gender Equality Plan (where you can find photos and details about the meetings)
Contact information
University of Bucharest, Romania
Address: 90-92 Sos. Panduri, 5th District, Bucharest, Romania
Meetings: Rectorat building, meetings announced on this page and the Gender Equality Plan Facebook page before each meeting.