Camelia Beciu

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Social Sciences
Scientific Committee

Since 2019.

Camelia Beciu is Professor at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences. She has published extensively on the media construction of public problems, polit­ical communication, and the public sphere. One of the prominent research projects she has coordinated examined the construction of migration in public discourses. Camelia Beciu sits on the editorial boards of the journals Mots. Les langages du politique (ENS Éditions/CNRS) and Argumentum, Journal of the Seminar of Discursive Logic, Argumentation Theory and Rhetoric. She has been visiting professor at IEP Lyon, visiting researcher at Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme within the programme DEA - Directeurs d’études associés (2015), and postdoctoral grantee of prestigious advanced research institutes (New Europe College, Bucharest; FMSH-EHESS-CNRS, Paris; University of Bologna). She has given invited talks at University of Fribourg (2015, 2017) and at University Cote d'Azur, Nice (2019). Recent research publications include: Debating Migration as a Public Problem: National Publics and Transnational Fields (Peter Lang, 2018, co-edited with Ciocea, Mădroane, Cârlan); “Discourse in Transnational Social Fields” (special issue in Critical Discourse Studies, 2017, guest co-edited with Mădroane, Ciocea, Cârlan); “La crise des réfugiés comme discours sur l’Europe. Le cas de la presse roumaine en ligne” (chapter, L’Harmattan, 2017); “Mediating public issues in Romanian broadcast talk: Personalized communi­cation strategies” (co-author, Television and New Media, 2017), “Instrumentalizing the mobility argument: discursive patterns in the Romanian media” (co-author, chapter), Routledge, 2016.

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